Traditional Ashtanga Mysore classes with Kiril Yordanov
KPJAYI Mysore Authorized Level 1
Guest teacher at Ashtanga Yoga Frankfurt, August til December 2019
Kiril believes in the ancient principle of Guru-Shishya Paramparā – the transmission of spiritual knowledge from teacher to student. His immediate interest in the science of Yoga has emerged after accidentally reading the BHAGAVAD GITA in 2012. Fascinated by the thorough parallels between the Daoist principles of following the natural way (Dao) with equanimity of Lao Tzu in Dao De Jing and the ideas of Abhyasa (practice without expectations) and Vairagya (detachment) in the Gita led to him embarking on his Yoga Journey.
He is deeply honored to study with the current lineage holder of Ashtanga Yoga tradition. Since 2015 he made 5 consecutive trips of 2 to 3 months each to the source of the Tradition – the K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute (KPJAYI) in Mysore, India.
In 2017 Kiril received the blessings from ParamaGuru Sharath Jois (Authorized Level 1) to teach the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method. In the last 3 seasons (2017, ’18, ‘19) Kiril has been truly grateful for the opportunity to assist Guru Sharath in the KPJAYI Shala. This has been unimaginable learning and humbling experience, facilitating silently the practice of amazing people from all over the world and receiving with deep appreciation the direct instructions from the Guru.
We are very happy that Kiril returns to Ashtanga Shala Frankfurt to teach the Mysore Program in the months of August until end of December 2019.
Traditional Mysore style classes Mondays til Thursdays from 6:15 am til 8:45 am and Sundays from 8 am til 10:30 am. Also there is a led class on Friday mornings starting at 6:30am for all practicioners who are regular students. Please be aware of the Moon days – no classes on Full and New moon days.
What is Ashtanga Mysore?
Unlike in a guided class, each student follows his own rhythm and his own physical conditions and is individually promoted by a teacher.
Mysore Yoga is a unique teaching method that meets all practitioners – from the absolute beginner to the most advanced. It is named after the city of Mysore in South India, where Sri K. Patthabi Jois established and taught this way of teaching.

Our source: Shri K. Pattabhi Jois
Guruji is the source of what we know about Ashtanga Yoga in the western hemisphere. Learn more about his lifelong dedicated journey to promote and refine this extraordinary system what we call Ashtanga Yoga.

Find our class schedule here for Ashtanga yoga.
Course schedule Ashtanga
Room 1 (all levels)
Room 1 (all levels)
Room 2 Introduction for beginners & regular Mysore style
Room 1 (all levels)
Room 2 (all levels) Self-practice possible (from 17:45)
Room 1 (some knowledge of primary series required)
** TRADITIONAL Teaching method for Ashtanga
individual practice under personal guidance from an authorized teacher / flexible starting time between 6:15 to 8 am (Mon-Thur)
Length of the practice according to the teachers advise
The Ashtanga code
learn more about the little do´s and dont´s within the Asthanga yoga world. To follow these rules means to respect your teacher and your fellow Ashtanga friends.
Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Cheat Sheet
What is Ashtanga Mysore?
Unlike in a guided class, each student follows his own rhythm and his own physical conditions and is individually promoted by a teacher.
Mysore Yoga is a unique teaching method that meets all practitioners – from the absolute beginner to the most advanced. It is named after the city of Mysore in South India, where Sri K. Patthabi Jois established and taught this way of teaching.

Our source: Shri K. Pattabhi Jois
Guruji is the source of what we know about Ashtanga Yoga in the western hemisphere. Learn more about his lifelong dedicated journey to promote and refine this extraordinary system what we call Ashtanga Yoga.

Find our class schedule here for Ashtanga yoga.
Course schedule Ashtanga
Room 1 (all levels)
Room 1 (all levels)
Room 2 Introduction for beginners & regular Mysore style
Room 1 (all levels)
Room 2 (all levels) Self-practice possible (from 17:45)
Room 1 (some knowledge of primary series required)
** TRADITIONAL Teaching method for Ashtanga
individual practice under personal guidance from an authorized teacher / flexible starting time between 6:15 to 8 am (Mon-Thur)
Length of the practice according to the teachers advise
The Ashtanga code
learn more about the little do´s and dont´s within the Asthanga yoga world. To follow these rules means to respect your teacher and your fellow Ashtanga friends.
Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Cheat Sheet