Get familiar with Ashtanga Yoga now!

Ashtanga Mysore

with Kiril Yordanov, authorized teacher by KPJAYI

Our current guest teacher Kiril is happy to introduce you to the beautiful Mysore practice of Asthanga Yoga.

It does not matter whether you are a full-bind Marichiyasana-Pro or if you can barely touch your feet….this practice is for everyone, except the lazy ones 😉
Every Tuesday evening at 6pm or Wednesday morning between 6:30 and 7:30am you can show up and get a one-on-one introduction from Kiril.


A word about Ashtanga….

The method of ashtanga yoga works through different principles like tristana. Tristana contains a special way of breathing, bandhas (energy locks) as well as the asanas (postures) and dristis (gazing points). Next to the structural parts of the practice Kiril will show you bit by bit  how to build a Mysore (self practice) from the beginning.



Trial class: 12€
Drop-in: 18€
3xticket: 35€

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